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vkaraujo said:
I have to say. I can understand blaming Nintendo or Ubisoft.

But blaming consumers? Are you serious?

No one is truly blaming them. The whole point is that wiiu owners' software purchases affect future sofware releases. If they don't buy enough games from 3rd parties, there won't be many if any 3rd party games released on it. They make their choices. They keep buying mostly 1st party games, so 3rd parties see no point risking losing money by making games for wiiu. Whether the games released so far have been good or bad is debatale and irrelevant. The point is that those games' sales have been below expectations, so 3rd party support is and will continue being almost non existant because of the choices that current owners are making. Should they buy "bad" games just for a better future? No. They shoudl buy what they want and unfortunately what they want is mostly 1st party games. At the moment, the number of people willing to buy third party games on wiiu is not high enough. Simple as that.