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naruball said:
ninetailschris said:
naruball said:
SubiyaCryolite said:
JazzB1987 said:
well behaving like they did with Rayman Legends sure does not help. I mean what do they expect?

It takes a whole generation to gain trust you lost because of bad business practices and so far they dont even try they just say they try.

If the whole WiiU gen gets constant quality support then the next system might have the chance to be very profitable.

I mean do they think that delaying a finished game for half a year and cutting modes in other games etc will help the sceptical Nintendo fanbase to buy more Ubisoft games? Third party is dumber than I thought.

How many games did they release on the PS4 in 2013? How many games did they release on the Wii U in 2013? Excuses everywhere, everytime.

I have to agree. Excuses all the time. That's what bothers me. It's always third parties' fault. Never Ninty's or at least people admit that 3rd parties don't sell well because there is not a big enough audience for them in wiiu. I think most of the wiiu owners are hardcore ninty fans who bought the console for first party games and have little interest in other games. 

They bought 500,000 zombieU and sonic racing. If you create decent games, you get decent sales. This stereotype is just someone who narrowing looking at the facts without talking other things into factor.

but hey let's not question why people aren't buying a bad ports.

Agree with on point though that certain games don't sale well on nintendo system but only because the market that nintendo is in.

I have to disagree. There's only so many excuses one can make. We've seen tons of bad ports doing well in other consoles (wasn't bayonetta bad on ps3 and sold the best?), expensive ports (Mass Effect 2 doing well on ps3 despite being a late, expensive port AND the players having no save files to carry to the next game; this was a huge deal as it affected the story), mediocre games doing well etc.

ZombieU is not a big achievement, since it was heavily bundled much like Knack. I think in Europe where it wasn't bundled it did terrible (or the other way around). Point being, part of the reason ps3 got almost all multiplatform games (depsite not doing well at first) is that first party games don't do that well on sony consoles. Conversely, first paty games do extremely well on ninty consoles. IMO most of the people who bought wiiu, bought it for first party games and don't care much for "hardcore" games. By hardcore, I mean dudebro 18+ games or dark games. They seem to prefer more family orientated games. I honestly don't blame 3rd parties for not doing anything more. 

Anyway, my point is that not all the games that don't do well are bad in any way and even if they are bad and all the wiiu owners are smarter than everyone else, publishers have no reason to risk releasing their games on wiiu. Speaking of bugs, wasn't Skyrim full of them and unplayable for some people on ps3? Yet it sold extremely well. Not everyone follows forums and knows of the problems that a certain games has or knows that there is no dlc coming for the game and decides not to buy the game. I find such excuses ridiculous (especially the "no dlc" one). 

"I have to disagree. There's only so many excuses one can make. We've seen tons of bad ports doing well in other consoles (wasn't bayonetta bad on ps3 and sold the best?), expensive ports (Mass Effect 2 doing well on ps3 despite being a late, expensive port AND the players having no save files to carry to the next game; this was a huge deal as it affected the story), mediocre games doing well etc."

Bad comparison because of time period release and multiple other reasons. Bayonetta was released in its 3rd year in the console. Second Sony fans (not saying all ) tend to buy broken games (skyrim). Third most of bayonetta sales came when the price dropped to $20 in the 4th year. Game did not live up Sega desires because of this. 

Mass effect released in 2012. That is 6 years on the market the (ps3). I believe it even came before the trilogy. 

You have use direct comparisons with games under the same conditions. If you ever did an experiment you know the method.

My point is not all third party sell bad only specific type.

"They seem to prefer more family orientated games."

I agree with this. No argument from me. Dudebro 18+ are not the market nintendo made for themselves therefor they don't sell as well.

"skyrim point"

Different market have different standards. Lot's of custumors who had bad experiences could determine to buy games from developers they trust. PC has environment similar to this. Some developers died because custumors lost faith in them. 

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max