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ChichiriMuyo said:
FJ-Warez said:
kingofwale said:

no, I'm not shocked about piracy as a whole, there has always been and always will. Every console in the recent history has been cracked... except one.

That's why I'm shocked is that PS3 is YET to be cracked. Considering how easily hackers like Dark_Alex can crack a PSP firmware, and yet the newest Sony console release is yet to be defeated.

Do you think that Sony finally learned their lesson from PSP and got it right this time?

Nope, Sony learned their lesson from the PSOne + PS2 era, but in that time it wasn't a big deal because they were making money with each sale, now with the PS3 looks like they didn't wanted to took any risk (Because the plan was sold with loss and recover the money with each game sold)...

Well that makes sense at least for me...

Say what!? Every Sony console was launched at a losing price. Atari threatened to sue Sony if they launched the PS for less than $500 and many media outlets claimed Sony was off their rocker for launching the PS2 at such a huge loss. Sony has never launched one of its PS brand systems at a profit or even break-even points.

 At first.  However it started making profit over time, by the time it was hitting the non "main markets" where piracy is pretty rampant it was likely already making a profit.