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I've gotten so tired of questionable business decisions that I'm looking forward to finishing up my marketing degree next year and taking over an influential position in one of these companies. If you have low sales, you put in some EXTRA effort to attempt to gain some market share/brand respect. What boggles my mind is how NO ONE has done so. I still can't think of a single original third party Wii U title that had full effort and release date timing with other platforms (Rayman was delayed, and fans like me refused to support the bs- say what you will). Not one. The ports have been shabby at best.

Look at the GameCube. Madden was great. The 007 games were great. Just because the games didn't sell all that well, they didn't put them out to die and make them half-assed.

At this point, and I'm not even kidding, I think there is a massive behind-the-scenes conspiracy by the big companies to try to take Nintendo out of the market completely. If you think about it, everything fits. The indies love the Wii U, but the big guys don't. I don't know why, and I don't know that I'll ever figure it out, but that has to be the explanation. I highly doubt Iwata is as inept or feeble as people think, even when he makes mistakes.