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Mummelmann said:
el_gallo said:

I look at their past products and while they've done okay, they aren't anything to write home about. They've done the minimum and have lately fallen into the habit of the yearly release of the rehashed triple AAA franchise title. Sure they port it to the Wii U and that is about it. Nothing exclusive, no special features, no visual upgrades over the prior gen or much of anything like that. I mean why no DLC support as an example? It can't be that hard to deal with. By definition it is just downloadable content for the original game.


Treat it equally and then complain about an equal result. If all this publisher had done was port the PS3 version to PS4 and no DLC, do you think the abysmal sales would be blamed on Sony?

Call of Duty: Ghosts and AC 4 was treated equally on all platforms, yet sold terribly on the Wii U, ZombiU was an exlusive effort and didn't even net Ubi a profit; what would do in their shoes? Keep making expensive exclusive software that fails to profit or keep including a multiplat version of games that sell 100-150k and likely incurr a loss in their end or simply start slowly cutting support and focusing your efforts elsewhere towards a proven audience that actually buys your games?
Mass Effect 2, a rather late port and with the previous game unavailable on the platform, sold over 1.3 million on the PS3, that's a really result for a port with no roots on the platform at all (the 360 already had the original that did over 2.8 million).
That is what developers are looking for, that is real ROI.

People keep saying Ubi has "poor business sense", forum goers apparently understand more both about game development and game publishing than actual developers and publishers. I'll ask you what I once aske John Lucas; what are the odds that almost every single 3rd party developer and publisher in the world are so horrible at their own trade?

First off; not all releases on the Wii U are crappy, half-hearted ports like many seem to suggest, and secondly; Microsoft and Sony have worked hard for 15-20 years towards never putting themselves in the position where they would receive such poor support.

The odds that most third parties are incompetent is actually pretty high. Whatever your console affiliation, anyone who follows gaming news should be able to pick out that most publishers in this industry are pretty myopic at most times and downright stupid at others.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.