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Very hard to debate all 3 had really good sales with their predessor game (smash bros- 5 mill,melee-7 mill, mario 64-

12 mill,sunshine-6mill, halo-6.5mill,halo 2-8 mill) and now with halo 3 already over 7 mill, mario galaxy already over 6

mill and brawl already sold more in japan then melee did, but do u think brawl and galaxy will sell more then halo 3?

My answer is yes, all of these games will sell great but i think galaxy and brawl will sell more, in the end of their

lifetime. They have a larger userbase and better legs. I dont see halo 3 passing 10 mill, galaxy will probably jus sell

10 mill and brawl would go to less then 15 mill maybe 13 mill! but thats only my opinion! what do u think?