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I wouldn't be worried about the lack of noise for KZ2 at the moment. Sony's probably learning from it's mistakes with Lair marketing, Killzone 2 will most likely not be a killer app, it's not a Halo Killer, but at least Sony is not setting itself up to be shot down like with what happened to HS and Motorstorm (2 good games that look like crap now because sony was marketing them as 10/10 titles when they are really 7-8/10). I think Sony's starting to realise that the only way KZ2 will get any cred is if it stays as far away from Halo as possible. Look at the truly great shooters of this gen, none of them were called halo killers, all of them were successful: Bioshock, CoD4, R6V, GRAW2, Gears, Resistance.

When Sony fanboys start realising that there is no such thing as a Halo Killer (it's fanbase is too large for that to happen any time soon) and start caring more about the games actual merits, maybe Sony will have another truly AAA title in their library.