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SpartanFX said:
starcraft said:
SpartanFX said:
starcraft said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Lair I never played and can not comment on it.
Kill Zone 2 is going to be the greatest game of 2008 on the PS3.
It will be better than both Resistance 2 and MGS 4, which I believe will be the runner-up games on the PS3 in 2008.

Pray that this is not the case, because the way things are looking for Killzone 2, this would be very bad for the PS3's line-up.

Don't worry about PS3 line up this year as you don't own one,,,,when you consider a bugy and grainy game like Too human as one of the most anticipated 360 games this year, then you need to be worried about 360 line up,,,,

This is a walkthrough of a build that is at least 6 months form being the final build. Where exactly does it say anything about buggy or grainy? Seriously, other than MGS4 whats left of the PS3's heavy-hitters in 2008? FFXIII is delayed and GoW3 and GT5 won't make it until 2009. All we heard last year was "wait until FFXIII, MGS4, GT5, LBP and Killzone 2." Now we have indications Killzone 2 won't be better than mediocre, and the only heavy hitter making it in 2008 for the PS3 is MGS4, which is hitting OUTSIDE the holidays.

And if you say "but...but LBP" then you can hardly criticise my praise for new IP's Too Human and Alan Wake.

there is no indication anywhere(Except for rumors) since the game dev team has said many time on PS3 fourms that no one knows about our game except for some sony internal studios.

games that I will be looking forward to this year are:



Killzone 2

Resistance 2

Gears of war 2(XBOX)



Motorstrom 2




As you can see there are lots of games on PS3 that I will be looking for as a GAMER not a fanboy.All my mates are on the same boat as I am.So don't play the no good game card with me buddy ,cause you start to look sad in justifying your self for purchasing your XBOX360.If you like your system that's great man,but don't try to change our minds,cause it's not gonna happen.

 I'm still hoping that Infamous (or inFamous if they use obnoxious capitalization) will come out this year. I have much love for Sucker Punch (Sly Cooper!) and the trailer looked effing amazing. MGS4 is at the top of my list though, with GTA IV right behind it.