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Assasains Creed Black Flag sold FAR MORE on PS4 and XB1 compared to Wii U even though they had a lower user base- Ubi has plenty of evidence that sales will be far lower on the Wii U no matter when they release it- it is a simple business decision-

Nintenod needs to step up and defend its console- but they have not- A year ago Iwata said the Wii U userbase needed to be larger and evidence of successful 3rd party sales needed to exisit before 3fd paryies would develop for the Wii U on a regular basis- Neither of those things have happened yet

Obviously Nintendo feels the same way as Ubi and other 3rd parties (that their games won t sell on the Wii u) otherwise Nintendo could offer sales gurantees or min revenue in order to keep these games on its system and to help blster confidence in the system- everytime a good game like Watchdogs Is delayed or cancelled on the wi U it further illustrates that the Wi U is a 1st/2nd party console only - at the rate Nintendo is putting put out games for the Wii U - there is no hurry for anyone to go buy one today- I dobt we will see a bump in sales untl the next good game comes out on it which may be Mario Kart in May (and possible a few stragglers buying for DKTF in a week or 2)