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Mistershine said:
And before you spout the old 'They use their software domination to force their products on people and strangle fair competition' chestnut, please bare in mind that they are a business, and the wholepoint of business is to beat your competition and force customers/consumers to use your products.
This is not a flamebait thread, I am looking for reasonable answers to a reasonable question.
For the record, I am not a particular fan of MS in any way, shape or form, aside from my 360, I just dont have a problem with them as a business.

Youyoung'uns don't get it. You missed the REAL evil Microsoft.  THere was a time in the UNited States where you vould not buy a microprocessor chip, from any company, for any pupose, without paying Microsoft $55. You want to build your own PC? run Linux? Os/2? Write your own OS? sure. Buy a chip, but you have to pay Microsoft anyway. It was that bad.  They created entire new ways to 'force' people to buy their product. It was truly disgusting and evil on q whole new scale.  By the time the government stepped in, way way too late. Now they have 40B in cash and make, waht 4-5 billion per quarter? They are more powerfyul economically then the US government and still capable of great evil...


The stuff int eh last ten years, IE, foxpro, vista, etc is nothing compared to their early crimes. They destroyed Lotus, nearly destroyed iBM, could destroy any PC maker they wanted and could still do it today.  They could kill Dell in 60- days.  Cancel the WIndows license and Dell vanishes. They used to do that as a matter of routine...



Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'