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spemanig said:

1. No it isn't difficult to jump in 3D. I played and beat all of Sonic Lost World with out using the homing attack at all unless you couldn't progress without it. All it does is restrict the flow of the game. There's never been a time where it was implemented well, so just get rid of it. Mario can jump in 3D. So can Sonic without extra help. If your game is broken without the homing attack, that's due to shitty level design, not a need for the thing.

2. Glad we agree.

3. Mario 3D World isn't a real 3D Mario. It's an isometric game. Galaxy and Sunshine are real 3D Mario games, and they are both 99% full 3D. 3D Sonic needs to be the same. Get rid of the 2D. You want innovative 2D Sonic Levels? Play a 2D Sonic game.

4. No they weren't. I've never finished ANY Sonic game in over 6 hours.

5. Eh. I don't think it should be action at all. Enemies are just obstacles. When you see them, you're supposed to either thinking of jumping to avoid them or jumping to bounce off of them to continue your momentum. And I don't think that Knucles should be slower paced. Slower than Sonic? Absolutely, but was he slow in any of the 2D games? No. you still felt wicked fast, just not as fast as Sonic. Every one of his moves carries on momentum. His glide cuntinues momentum. His climbing should work like Sonic's "parcore" to carry momentum, only more controlable. His digging does too. That's how "action" should be handles in the 3D games.

6. I don't think that it leads to generic levels at all. Were Sonic 3 and Knuckles' levels generic? No. Any of the Advance levels? No. You can have alternet paths for specific characters, but there should be no character specific level that is required to beat the game. 

7. Yeah.

No, Sonic Adventure 2 was terrible in my opinion. I'd say the closest thing to my vision is the level design of the 3D stages of lost world (only not sectioned off all of the time) with the momentum based platforming of the Sonic Advance trilogy. No homing. No fighting. No nessecary stopping. Just running and jumping. And bring back the breaking the sound barrier. THAT was awesome. In Sonic Advance 2 and 3, if you gain enough speed, you "break the sound barrier," making you get a natural boost in speed, and a trail of images follows you. (It looks exactly like the Lost World effect you get when parkouring.) It's basically a speed reward for maintaining momentum, it happens naturally, and it never gets old.

1. I maintain that it's hard to kill enemies without the homing attack. At least for me, I find that when you have that much speed it's hard to aim, unlike in a Mario game. Maybe you're just a Sonic god.

3. That's not what isometric means. But yes, it's not the same as the other 3D Marios. The point is that I hate absolute statements like "never use a certain perspective". Super Mario Galaxy 2 had some 2D areas, and everyone acts like that game was the best of 7th gen half the time (I liked Galaxy 1 better). I don't see why there can NEVER be ANY instance of 2D. That's all I'm saying.

4. You obviously didn't complete the games anywhere near 100%. But then again you're apparently some sort of Sonic god so maybe you got all the Emblems in under 6 hours, but doing so tended to take me upwards of 100 hours, though that's mostly due to spending so much time in the Chao Garden :3

5. If you're not as fast as Sonic, what's the point? There needs to be a point to every character, or it should just be Sonic. Think Sonic=The Flash, Knuckles=The Juggernaut. Juggernaut isn't as fast as the Flash, but he has uses that the Flash doesn't. With all the momentum he gets, he goes pretty fast, but being him would be a completely different experience than being the Flash. Both Sonic and Knuckles could give the satisfaction of being unstoppable as you plow through levels, Sonic just excels at places without waves of enemies to slow you down, whereas Knuckles could be made strong enough to plow through them like they were hardly there, but wouldn't be as satisfying to go through the less populated areas of the levels with. The Sonic franchise differs from other platformers due to the intense action, something's always happening, scenery is always changing, you overcome obstacles at a breakneck pace. The pure speed of Sonic simply can't do that without developers limiting the types of obstacles involved. As long as you're plowing through obstacles at a breakneck pace, who cares if that takes the form of literal running and jumping across precarious platforms, taking out enemies quickly while moving on unhindered, using various gadgets to keep your momentum going, or navigating a tricky portion full of twists and turns that Sonic lacks the agility to do (he mostly runs straight ahead and needs boosters to change his direction rapidly).

6. Didn't Knuckles and Sonic have different levels? Wow, it's been a long time. I was kinda bored by Sonic Advance honestly, sorry. And having different paths for different characters is dumb. Just give them their own level if you're going to do that, because basically what you've done is create several mostly identical levels with a few minor changes here and there. Imagine Level 1 has path A and B, and Sonic is better for A, and Knuckles for B. You've essentially created 2 levels here, one for Sonic, the other for Knuckles, but they're almost the same except for that one part. Either make one path requiring multiple characters or make different levels altogether for each character.

I only played Advance 1, so I didn't experience that sound barrier breaking thing, but it sounds awesome. Didn't Sonic Rush do that? Still, again, pure speed can't overcome all obstacles, and if speed was all that mattered, they should just have Sonic.