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Did anybody here watch Breaking Bad? Just realized there's a character named Holly Whyte. Slightly misspelled version of Walt's infant daughter. Maybe it's already been joked about in the fandom, but it made me chuckle when I realized it.

So far I'm loving this game. So many ways to customize. I didn't feel gutsy enough to put it on Hard, but I increased the encounter rate to make grinding a bit easier. My only real gripe so far is some of the English voice actors. Some are great, like Edea and Tiz...but Agnes. Ugh. I recognized her instantly as the actress who does Ion and Sync on Tales of the Abyss. I couldn't help but hate those characters because the voices were so grating.

It could be worse though. And the game offers an option to switch to the original Japanese seiyuus, so I have that option if I reach my limit with her, so that's a plus at least. I'll keep playing before I judge.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334