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benjaminwillcock said:
Well, today is the day folks. The day of the price drop. Anyway, I went into several big videogame stores in and around my local area here in the UK and I have to say, I was shocked. Absolutely nobody was seen buying 360s, not one single person. I even found it hard to spot people perusing the 360 games themselves to be honest. In many shops there was a few I saw buying PS3s (one such lady actually bought one along with a black PSP), and there was one older person I saw enquiring about the DS. I asked in two "Game" stores (they are the UK's biggest video game retail outlets) how sales were and one guy said they were the same as usual, and another guy in another store said the exact same thing.

It also struck me that the Wii finally seems to be slowing down, or at least meeting its demand as almost every shop I visited had ample supply. I have also noticed that has had them in consecutively now for several weeks (something that has never happened since the Wii debuted over a year ago). But like with the 360, I didn't see anyone actually buy one, which struck me as odd considering that just two months ago demand was off the scale. Is the Wii finally dwindling as many analysts predicted it would after the holiday rush?

So there you go, just a quick update on the European sales. So far it seems it hasn't made even the slightest impact, but we'll just have to wait for the those numbers next week. I'm sure we will see an increase of course, but I at least expected to see a few buying them during the many hours I spent in the city today. But it isn't like the price drop hasn't been well publicized. It has been mentioned on major radio stations several times and was on the news, and most shops that I saw today had erected large banners in their windows announcing the price drop.

Lol, given all the media reports of broken street dates on cuts and awesome retailer bundles, i'm going to do a pooperscooper and universally declare your post to be "bs."

That's it, I called "bs" the debate is over now right?

OH and LOL @ Wii slowing down. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS