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shakarak said:

I just hit up gamestop after work today and pre-ordered it there.  I  had to pay $6.00 more then newegg ($3.00 for the discount and tax).   I asked if they had any collectors editions in stock they stated they did not.  I was also impressed Bravely Default was the main 3ds game they were advertising.

That's good that you can still pick it up. Too bad about about the Collector's Edition though, it seems like it's sold out everywhere.


My copy came in the mail today! I ordered it under Standard shipping, so I'm happily surprised. Definitely wasn't expecting to get it on the day of release. I'll need to order from Best Buy more often.

I'm surprised how big the box is though. I guess I don't normally buy Collector's Editions for handheld games. 

Can't wait to start playing!

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334