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I think that the possibility of Sony going bankrupt in the not-to-distant future is a very likely possibility, but people need to stop assuming that that means the end of Playstation, or worse, that it means that Microsoft or Nintendo will buy Playstation.

Does anyone else realize how retarded that is? If Nintendo bought it, they'd have no money left over for anything else, and they'd have to either start financially supporting a competing console, or abandon it completely, which is a complete waste of the billions of dollars they'd have spent buying the damn thing. Same with Microsoft except they's have more money after the purchase. You don't buy a competing brand like that.

That's as stupid as telling Apple to "just buy" Android, or telling Nintendo to "just go 3rd party." It's stupid, and won't happen. Samsung will probably do it. Playstation doesn't fit in with Apple's business philosophy, unless you want an all digital PS4 running on a gaming version OS X Mavericks.