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Devil_Survivor said:
vivster said:
ninetailschris said:
vivster said:

Ok. Now I've seen the whole thing.


- Sony fanboys are too good at promoting their platform
- Anecdotal evidence is FACT!
- Internet has too many Sony fanboys
- If an article that's not even a day old hasn't penetrated the whole internet, it was suppressed by fanboys
- I don't understand fps arguments and I don't like to look at the big picture and I only have short term memory

"You know what I been sayin'?"

This is almost on the level of a cult. Just stop. "Sony fans are to good at promoting their platform" by flagging anything not positive about the company? Does Sony pay you or something?

Nope. I do this for free and for fun :)

I think I have earned this attitude by listening to his ramblings for a whole 20 minutes.

Lol your exactly the kind of person he is talking in the video. Your reaction to this video proves that you just damage contorl for Sony and even when they don't ask you too. 

I do damage control for Sony because his damage is beyond controlling.

Yes there is a lot of Sony bias but that's not coming from nowhere. He may have a point but the method of delivering and his "proofs" are just laughable.

He singles out single occurences of events and applies them to all fanboys to fit his argument. He says that IGN is biased for Sony. Why would it? IGN or other gaming outlets have no stake in this war. They don't gain revenue by posting only positive news for one company. This also completely ignores 99% of the rest of the coverage of both consoles that was not biased. So he is doing nothing else than fanboys by cherry picking bits that fit his argument.

He also keeps going on about that one moderator on N4G that failed that one article. It's not even clear why it was failed. Maybe it was a duplicate. But this guy doesn't even consider a different possibility than fanboyism.

Then that whole 30fps business. Yes there were a few Sony fanboys saying that 30fps is not next gen. This was not a general statement but a counter to an X1 version of the same game. It was always about getting the best version possible. If an X1 game couldn't do 60fps like a PS4 game could it was bad. There were some games that the PS4 only managed to get 30fps but in those cases the X1 had to reduce the resolution so 30fps were till the best console version of the game. No Sony fanboy will argue that the PS4 can manage all games at 60fps. It's just not strong enough for that. But we have at least a guarantee that if the PS4 only manages 30fps that it is the best possible on a console with the same visual fidelity. That's why it is ok.

He poses as a white knight for unbiased gaming but his rhetoric and ignorance puts him in the very same category as any fanboy.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.