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Just got a Shipped email from Best Buy already. Maybe the mail gods will kind and it'll arrive by Saturday! ...Maybe....

shakarak said:

Newegg sent me an email today saying they have cancelled my pre-order due to running out of stock. This is disappointing as they just charged me just this morning for the game, only to cancel it 3 hours later. I imagine they probably had overwhelming demand due to the $3.00 discount code that was floating around online for the game through their website. 

We regret to inform you that your order has been voided due to insufficient stock. While our website may have indicated an in-stock status, one or more items in your order were not in stock at the time your order was to be fulfilled.

A good sign for the games sales nonetheless (it also hit 4th on Amazon Video Game Charts yesterday 2 days before release).

I'd really like this game to sell well over here, but geez, I'd be mad if that happened to me. I hope they restock reasonably fast.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334