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Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
Jake, you do understand you are making no valid points as of yet right?

Everything I have written came from actual studies, which lead to answers, which leads to... yes you guessed it, Facts.

You are responding with nothing but BS speculation, nothing more.

Speculation... Fact? I go for the latter.

Here is the facts I have used.

Yours please? When you have facts to back your argument, I will respond to you, until then I am convinced you never tried Cannibus, have no experience to back up any of your claims and for that, honestly have no place in this discussion.

Well duh, I mean it's not like I ever said I tried it, but then again why would I try such a stupid thing?

Also, my original point was to punish drug users with extreme force, I point I made quite clear.

One thing I don't understand is why you defend the use of marijuana so fearlessly , is it because your a user and if so...well that explains allot. LOLz

There we go again. Just more BS speculation. So because I am a smoker I am out to harm people?

It is like what I see on gaming sites each day. Someone knocks a game, someone comes in and makes a very valid point in saying "Do not bash what you never tried". That is true right? Same applies here and just about anything else.

Taking the drug does not hurt people, what "some" stupid people do afterwards "CAN" hurt people. So as I said, you go just on what Mom and Dad taught you, yet have no actual experience and/or facts to back up anything you have said thus far in this thread besides on the lines of "I think it is stupid, I think it is bad, I think it kills people. Even though studies prove otherwise I know I a right and the World is wrong." Do I have this right?

You say stupid things, please punish yourself.

 wrong, I was tought at school, yay for education. I think you may have some how missed this in school...quite odd since it's in the school curriculum, but then again you could have been sick or getting stoned. lolz

Tell me, why is it that you smoke marijuana?