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Wow imho Monolithsofts X>>>>>Wii U Zelda by farrr. I see Zelda U as not capable to do anything we haven't seen before, sorry just add in a larger world with better graphics. You know the story will be boring, gameplay will be predictable but fresher, soundtrack will be good etc. If they do put it out it should be very good, but groundbreaking I think not.

Depending on how EPIC The Evil Within turns out on the PS4, that could be a very surprising title. Then again it has a lot of ground to cover imho. 

Uncharted4/TLoU 2 on PS4 could very well be a new standard.

Lets not forget Rockstar games on the PS4. They could have a new sleeper IP in development. Lets not forget Arkane Studios either. SqureEnix obviously will have more than just FFXV in development so look out there.

Titanfall looks great, but GOTG? Well the gameplay is a huge push in the right direction the jumping looks seriously intuitive alone but so did Quake 4 and that didn't make a dent. In fact TFall2 or the sequel imho will have a better game design quality especially when it's on the PS4 . With 1080p and then the small complaints however small adjusted, and adressed and reanalyzed and enhanced with Tfall2. Maybe a larger MP than XB1 can allow could make TF2 that much better than TF1...Just my opinions.