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schattenwolf86 said:
Euphoria14 said:

Though there is some concern about long term effects of smoke in general, marijuana as such is non-toxic and it does not harm the brain, liver or other organs. None of the risks associated with smoking (primarily bronchitis) apply to marijuana consumed in food (e.g. cookies, tea).

There is no known case of a single person ever dying from an overdose of marijuana. It is safer to take too much marijuana than too much aspirin, a common over-the-counter medicine. 50 doses of aspirin are lethal, but it takes an estimated 40,000 doses of marijuana.

Studies are showing that THC can create schizophrenia like symptons in people, so I think it does affect peoples mind. Also, I disagree with people who say it is not addictive. I agree that it's not a physical addiction, but more of a mental addiction. I say people get mentally addicted to it is because they have nothing else to. I guess you could say it just becomes a hobby.

Should recreational pot be illegal? I think so. I've seen people who when they smoke alot, all they do is sit in basements and do literally nothing for a whole afternoon. There's plenty of arguements of why it should be legalized...I can't really coment on those because they are convincing

Also, with all the money spent on the so called war on drugs, people say just legalize it and control it, so the war on drugs wouldn't be as a huge financial drain. Okay, so pot is legalized, controlled, taxed, now what? Drug dealers will find something else, probably create a concotion of something really dangerous and play the exact same game all over. It will always be a never ending cycle there.

 Absolutely right. This is just one of the most saddest drama in this world. It's already gone deep down to the roots. So the only thing I can do is not to be a part of that cycle.