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Euphoria14 said:
luinil said:
Weed is a gateway drug. Once you start that you may find yourself looking to experiment more with other harder drugs. In this respect I do not believe it is wise to start anything that can be an addiction to something that can be so harmful. Smoking the weed is more toxic than cigarettes, or so I have heard from a doctor.

There are too many problems out there for this to be the number one issue for me though. I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own homes, but for God's sake keep the children away from it!

Been smoking marijuana for 1 1/2 years now, I have a friend who smoked since the age of 14 and he is 19 now. I also have a few friends at work (well... more than a few, lol) who smoke regularly. None of us have went beyond Marijuana.

My girlfriend never used to smoke, she was mainly a drinker and before we met she got herself mixed up in Extacy as well as shrooms.

The gateway excuse is just that... an excuse to keep it illegalized. You hear about people getting violent when drunk. I am a very happy fellow when high.

I have also heard the ridiculous "1 joint is the equivalent of 20 cigarettes"... yeah... ok. What is wrong with something naturally grown? Why is it legal to have tobacco companies add cancer causing chemicals to their product among many others just to insure you stay addicted to their drug? At least I won't go through physical withdrawal from lack of marijuana.I just went 4 days without because of y vertigo and it did not bother me in the least. How is that for a 1 1/2 year smoker? Can a 1 1/2 year frequent drinker and/or 1 1/2 year frequent cigarette smoker do that?

Not without medical help on majority of cases. I have been trying for years to get my Mother to stop drinking and smoking, even more now because of my Sister's baby coming along in 2 weeks. I stopped smoking pot for now because of this with no problem. No matter what we do, we can not get my Mother off the alcohol and cigarettes. Instead she uses the good old "stress from work" excuse.

Sad huh?

I am not going to argue this as I do not know the points for or against it. I simply know that I will not do it simply because it is not for me. Again, I don't care what you do in private, so long as it is responsible and not causing harm to anyone else. If you feel it should be legalized go for it, but I will be there to counter you. I believe that it does more harm than good, at this time. I could be persuaded but I doubt it.  It is sad that your mom is addicted to those drugs, that's alcohol and tobacco are, and cannot/will not stop.

I hope you can get through to her soon. The reason I won't use the stuff is not because I am better or worse than anybody, but because I think that it degrades the culture of America. The more people that are "high" the more stupid decisions they will make, imho. We already have enough idiots running around thinking they are brilliant.