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These people saying Sony should sell of their TV manufacturing need to shut up. I didn't even know Sony made PCs, though I guess it's not that surprising. Still, they're doing poorly there because no one gives a shit about their PCs. The TVs, on the other hand, people know. It's a trusted TV brand. The problem is that TVs are down across the board, not just for Sony. They don't need to sell the TV branch, just get people interested in TVs in general again.

...what if they attached Playstation Now to their TVs? Like made it so that the only place off of Playstation 3, 4, and Vita that Now was available would be Sony TVs, tablets, and phones? That'd add insane value to their TVs. In fact, looking it up, that seems to be what they're doing. Perhaps some of their electronics will see growth in the future? TVs especially I'd imagine. I'd buy a Sony Bravia to play some Crash and Ape Escape. Get a nice TV for your games, and access to a bunch of exclusive content that I couldn't with a different TV. Would work really well to get Xbox and Nintendo gamers interested in Sony IP, I'd think. You need a TV anyway, so if you're getting a Nintendo system, plug it into a Sony TV so you can have Nintendo and Playstation games.