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PDF said:

akuma587 said:

Unlike ecstasy, cocaine, and some of the harder core prescription drugs and opiates, marijuana cannot kill you when you smoke it.

No, marijuana cant kill you but you can and the risk of you doing somthing stupid that can kill you increases.

It is like guns dont kill, people kill. Same thing works here. Of course most time people are just sitting in their rooms when their high so nothing of high risk happens.

 You mean like the booze they sell everywhere? My uncle did something stupid when he was drunk and ended his life.

 Look, I'm aware of the various social costs that some recreational drugs, like alchohol and THC, can create. If prohibition actually worked, you might even persuade me to get behind it.

But prohibition doesn't work. All it does is drive the market underground where the money feeds organized crime, causing problems above and beyond drug abuse. By legalizing and regulating such substances, you cut off the feedline to organized crime and make drug abuse problems easier to treat because sufferers don't have to be afraid of a criminal record if they seek help.

I not recommending that all drugs be legalized, but the safer ones do seems to be less problematic if they're legally available then if they're prohibited. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.