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This pretty much confirms Nintendo`s intention of streamlining software production.
There are great benefits from following this strategy:
By streamlining SW production Nintendo will actually have to change it`s overall game development plan. As of now we get 2 2DMarios, 2 3D Marios (or more), 4 Zelda games (remakes and new games), etc.
Seeing as one game can be on both platforms Nintendo can save their best franchises from over exposure at the same time it gets more human resources and money to develop new IPs, revive old IPs and even invest in this new 3rd pillar platform.

The big question is: seeing as both consoles will share some if not all SW line-up, how do you convence people to buy both handheld and home console?
Before you had different games on each platform, so, the purchase was justified. But, what about now, when that difference will most likely be eroded?
I hope that someone asks Iwata, that question.