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Well, heroin is completely harmless. Heroin addiction is horrible for you. But if you do heroin say... once a month, you'll have no permanent side effects. Same goes for all pure opiates. They're absorbed into your nervous system the same way your own endorphins are. This is why they're safe in moderation, but is also why they're so highly addictive. Your brain accepts them too easily so it adapts too quick and then needs more of them. The addiction is what messes up your diet by shutting down your digestive and excretory systems for too long, and makes you look like you aged 100 years in 10 years.

Erego, heroin is safer than marijuana, because smoking anything is horrible for your lungs and thus your entire cardiovascular system.

And alcohol is the most dangerous drug on the planet due to its decreasing inhibitions, increased sense of invincibility, decreased reflexes, drowsiness, decreased judgment, and decreased motor skills. Drunk driving alone kills more people per year than every other drug combined. And what it does to your liver is worse than what marijuana does to your lungs.

So with health reasons alone, I have flipped the alcohol-marijuana-heroin scale, although there are ways to ingest marijuana without the smoke, which make it almost as health risk-free as heroin.

That aside, I'm for legalization of all drugs, even the bad ones and the suicidal ones, because I think individual citizens of voting age should be in complete control of their bodies and allowed to do whatever they want to themselves, no matter how stupid their decisions and actions may be. I think all drugs should be legal and driving on any drug should be super-illegal.

Whoa, you had the worst experience on salvia? That shit is hilarious. It's legal, cheap, and insanely intense and dissociative. If you're insane and have lots of balls and a good safe babysitter you trust, I recommend it.