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That was hands down the best thing I've seen in a long time. I've been pretty fortunate, as a football fan, in the span from 2009-2013, to see my top three teams (including my #1 team, the Ravens) win SBs, and to be able to see my three most hated teams/quarterbacks lose SBs. In Manning's case, he's lost twice in that span, and both to teams I really wanted to see get their first Lombardi trophies. And quite frankly, as a longtime Ravens fan, who always had to see my team somehow lose to Peyton Manning (except for last year's playoffs), it was cathartic and wholly enjoyable to see the "greatest QB ever" (not even close) play such a lousy, sorry excuse for a game, and get totally embarrassed on worldwide tv.

What can I say? The only thing that comes even close to seeing your team win the SB, is seeing teams you really hate lose them. And it makes it even better when they lose badly. No one can claim the refs helped the Seahawks, or that somehow the Broncos got "screwed". Nope. They just didn't come to play, and Seattle REALLY came to play. The Broncos were pretty horrible in all three phases of the game, and it showed.

Congrats to Seattle fans, and here's to a great 2014 season!