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starcraft said:
binary solo said:
starcraft said:
Of course it will?

It is an all-online new IP versus arguably the third most high profile Sony exclusive there is (after GT and Uncharted).

Why are we still having this discussion?

I'd say GoW is more high profile, and I feel like Sony wants to make Killzone (as the direct exclusive "competition" to Halo) more high profile. And game sales-wise I think KZ is bigger...runs off and checks..yep on PS3 KZ2 > Infamous and KZ3 > Infamous 2; which personally I think is a travesty, but that's the FPS generation for you.

I'd even say Ratchet and Clank, being multi-generational, has a higher profile than inFamous. Especially when you consider the fact that lots of PS2 owners switched to 360 or Wii and unless they maintained an awareness of PS3 games other than games that got lots of awards they would not even know there's a game called inFamous. But because of their connection to PS2 they will probably know about Ratchet and Clank, even if they think the series probably died with PS2.

So my guess is profile-wise inFamous is top 10, and maybe top 5.

Ratchet and Clank is declining enormously, though I will give you Killzone.

So we're arguing between top two and top five, the point is moot.  Ultimately you have a highly established franchise versus an unknown quantity.

Not really that moot. I think the difference between top 2 and top 5 is quite huge in terms of consumer awareness. Pretty much every gamer who isn't living under a platform loyalty rock knows GT and Uncharted. The same can't be said of any of the other franchises mentioned here.

It's probably not good to talk about top 5 / top 10 franchises. Better would be A list, B list and C list titles. Realistically I think PS only has 2 A-list franchises. So in this thread TF is up against an established franchise, but only a B-lister.

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Jimi Hendrix