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After a really crazy week at school, I finally got a U.S. copy of the game! My new friend code is 2664-1863-6511 and will forever remain in my sig. How should we organize all these Brawl codes? I'm thinking we could combine all the lists into a master list of the countless 100s of codes, and put them in alphabetical order or something, and have everybody add the 10 or 15 people above them and below them, so everybody has 20 or 30 guaranteed friends, and it rotates around so nobody adds 64 people and then is out of spaces. The rest we can manage oneat a time through comments and PMs. Does this sound crazy or too big or are we happy the way we're doing it now? I just got a new friend code so I gotta start adding people from scratch again anyway. Let's cyber-brainstorm and see if we should start a final official be-all-end-all Brawl code thread with everybody on it.