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For Metroid, I'd rather Konami, Epic, or Wayforward get it. They have experience with games similar to the 2D Metroid games, which I consider best.

If another dev bought Zelda, I'd choose Silicon Studios. Nintendo fans know them now as the Bravely Default developer, but they've also developed 3D Dot Game Heroes. If any of you Zelda fans have a PS3, then it's a must own title for you. The camera on the overworld can be changed to a completely overhead view, a 2/4 overhead view, or 3/4(dungeon in same video) overhead view instead the front view which you'll see in the video I'm posting.

Mario and other platformers should go to NIS. You might be asking. Why give platformers to a shi**y RPG developer. Because despite their interest in only developing crappy RPGs, the few times they've developed other games, they've turned out literally amazing. They haven't made any 3D platformers, but on Disgaea 3 there are some small areas where you can run around do minor platforming bits, and if they did create a 3D platformer, I'd say it's possible that it'd be a great game. They've developed Prinny and Prinny 2 though, which are stage based platformers that in my opinion are some of the greatest platforming games I've played in a long time.

Everything else that Nintendo has, I think the franchises shouldn't really go to anyone. Intelligent Systems games for example are probably best developed by them. Though Namco Bandai has the Gihren's Greed series of games that play like Advance Wars titles. Maybe they could purchase Intelligent Systems as a developer who then works on Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, and Namco Bandai games like Gihren's Greed sequels.


Instead what I really see happening is Nintendo if by some chance they were to ever go bankrupt or close to bankuprt, they'd go third party and develop the games themselves.  Not that I want them to go third party, but this may be a good thing, because maybe we'd see more Metroid, Advance Wars, etc.