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DeadlyCatalyst said:

So the title kinda says it all. 

I'm curious if its software, price cut or do you simply not want one because the hardware isn't as capable as the PS4 and XboxOne?



Hey everyone! Thanks a lot for your answers, I really appreciate it.


To summarize what some of you said



Pokemon RPG or MMO*

Zelda *

Metroid Prime*


Star Fox*

Exploration focused 3D Mario*


Proper online / account infrastructure*



Gamepadless SKU

Super Mario RPG Sequel

better battery life*

Larger HDD*

Make Compatible with ps4/xboxone controller

Nothing waiting for Nintendo to go Third party

Knighted by the Queen

Price cut between 250*

Price Cut 200

Price cut 150

Price Cut 100


I've put * next to what I feel is either possible or probable and the ones without anything are, in my opinion outside the realm of possibility, although the WiiU being knighted would be great. 


I hope Nintendo does bring back some older IPs because a lot of you really just want to play games like Mother, Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero and I can definitely see at least two of those making a return.

JRPGS and SRPGS, at least from Nintendo are on the way in the form of X and Shin Megami X Fire Emblem


In terms of Price Cut, even though Nintendo said they wouldn't do it, 250 seems like its in the realm of possibility if the system doesn't sell any better when their heavy hitters release. Those asking for 200 or sub 200 are craazzeeeh. Just doesn't seem like it'll happen until 5 to 6 years down the road. 


Gamepadless SKU won't happen, Iwata quashed this possibility during Nintendo's investors meeting.


Going third party, well I wish you people absolutely no luck in that regard


Better Battery Life and Larger HDD for the current price of 299 would be smart on their part.


Thanks again everyone

more time.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...