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Zappykins said:
Xen said:
Zappykins said:
Ugh, seriously? They already confirmed Halo 5 or whatever is 1080p60. Plus Forza and other games do it.

The GPU's between the two really aren't that different. Both are underpowered as they should have been 2.5 Tflops, but even then isn't that much of a change - as you need to double power for humans to really notice.

Stop spreading FUD!

Yeah... the PS4's GPU is just ~50% more powerful, not that big a diffrence...

Stop spreading FUD!

Then why is the best looking game for the new gen a 2nd party game on the Xbox One?

That's both debatable and also irrelevant. The only 2 exclusive games we can really compare right now are Ryse and Killzone, and they are hardly comparable anyway. Ignoring their totally different art styles and camera, one went for more confined environments, a lower resolution and less real time events on screen, the other went with large open areas, high amounts of on screen events, a higher resolution and a higher frame rate.

Seeing as the opinion on the two is very split, and they are so different both in their style and tech, we can't really compare them. Until we have actual comparable games (Uncharted/Gears - Killzone/Halo), all discussion on the matter are pointless. All we can legitimately compare right now are the multi-plats, and the X1 is being rather consistently butt sapped in that area.