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The reason the pokes listed are still OU despite huge SR weakness is that their potential is so amazing that it over powers its weakness.

Other pokemon though that are only decent/medicore become shit tier cause their weakness to SR (like Articuno).

Remember Charizard was NU/RU until Megas, cause Charizard X is a great DD swear or Bulky Tank, and Charizard Y is an amazing Wall Breaker that they are OU.

Defog nerfed Spikes + Toxic Spikes WAY more than SR.  Cause SR takes 1 turn to set up, hell lots of teams that have a Defoger still run SR cause its so easy to set up again.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)