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But again, we go into the fact that the X360 userbase bought a huge bit more than the PS3 did in the games department: despite the fact the PS3 has a ratio of 2.5:1 for console install base in the US, the top-10 is littered with X360 games and not with PS3 games.

The X360 had new IPs never on it's console before (such as Rock Band, Lost Odyssey), and the PS3 only charted with one game that it's always been known as a PS3 exclusive.

And for those saying that this proves that GTAIV is going to sell oh-so well on the PS3 version the X360, lets do this......

I am officially calling out every PS3 fanboy that's willing to do a GTAIV PS3/X360 bet.

I'll bet a week's ban, and a month's signature that GTAIV on X360 will outsell the PS3 version, in it's first full month on the NPD charts, by atleast 1.6:1 or more. Willing to take that better? After all, DMC was 1.26 to 1...So it'll be good odds for you :)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.