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Anfebious said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Many comments on here don't really seem to understand this report. It's really quite bad. Turning a profit during the quarter that has Christmas isn't "good". Their business is built around turning a BIG profit during Q3. They didn't, and as such will lose money for the year. They have record high inventory which means they aren't selling anywhere close to what they are used to. They did worse than they did last year, when they should have done much better. Wii U is failing as a product and 3DS isn't doing as well as they would like.

The bright sides here are Pokemon was a very good seller, and Zelda on 3DS seems to be well received. Wii U does have nearly 6 million units in the wild which is something to build on. But Wii U will take a major shift in momentum to be a success and it's safe to say that Nintendo's handheld business has declined 25% or more in the last few years. These aren't positive things when looking at the state of the company.

Yes! Then we can still get Nintendo is doomed threads then!

Okay now being serious, you are right. It does sound pretty bad.  Wonder how much longer Nintendo can go on like this.

Well, they CAN go on a very long time.  They have over $8 Billion US in cash and other assets that they could spend before going in debt.... so they could perform at this rate for 40 years and still be with us.  However, they WON'T go on like this for more than another year.  You can be sure that there is panic in HQ as they think of new strategies to change their business model.  Iwata won't last much longer without change, and Nintendo really needs to start growing.  Shrinkage is bad.