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Wright said:
FinalFantasyXIII said:
pauluzzz1981 said:
No freaking way!

FF 13 was absolutely crap! Graphics dont cover up weak gameplay and corridor hunting. I almost made it to the end, but then i thought f*ck it.

This post right here is what I think the main complaint came down to. Half the people that picked up this game wanted the whole game to be a sandbox game, but they didn't pay attention and just assumed it would be like Skyrim, and wrongly so. This person and people like him/her should make sure FFXV is sandboxy enough for them before they pre-order, or else you only have yourself to blame for getting a game that doesn't play how YOU want it to. which really is very immature of yourself.

Look, I liked FF XIII, but you can't expect people not to be deceived when in all FF's lifespawn, you've always able to walk around, talk to NPCs and do things; sleep at inns, mash X while walking around to see what banal thing your character picks up, and minigames such as card-games and things like that.

Then comes FF XIII and you can't do any of those things. It's not a matter of people assuming the wrong genre, but it is a case on which the game departed from the original formula, and brought a solid combat system which is the thing that carries the game right until Pulse.

Minigames sucked in 7 the snowboarding mini game made me want to put in Coolboarders. The racing section made me want to play Jet Moto. Card games, well rather get out a bicycle card deck and play anygame I want. I thought they were terrible! Just like the mini games on Mystical Ninja SNES, just cheapo non fun games to waste time with. NPC's usually tell you nothing in FF games too. Let me get you some real NPC quotes or bad dialog.

-"Restore the Crystals to grace."

-"Monsters are going to get you."

-Aeris - "This guy are sick." <- fail translation lolz

Ehhh actually no not going into that, the reason you don't really need NPC's in FFXIII is it's cinematic by nature, it's a technologically advanced society too. They dont sell axes because this game doesn't take place in the middle freaking ages if you failed to notice. It's also to fast paced of a story to be slowed down by FF NPC troping, and it also trys to keep tension constant imho along with the battle system. Your whole party is branded L-Cie, you are under constant survelience and trying to hide from the Santum and Fal Cie and move forward without being seen, and not be detected even the townsfolk will sell you out because they're so brainwashed by Fal Cie they truely think you're the enemy. So why the f*** would you go to a town and talk to EVERY NPC WRIGHT? When the CHARACTERS ARE BRANDED? The story only sucks because people like yourself FAIL to understand basic concepts in the games story!

Vanilles Brand=

The story revolves around the characters specifically, not NPCs in towns. There's no generic stuff like "Oh hey!" "my daddy was a miner and now they're alot of monsters in the mines, it's really bad you need to be careful going into said mine/cave/dungeon! Take an Axe! You know what I mean? Well you probably don't...ugh.

How many times do we have to read those boring NPC comments? It doesn't make a game fanatastic when they're really an overused FF trope, that becomes specifically annoying. Or another common one. Your party bumps into a soldier(s) and they talk down to your party like you're a bunch d-bag kids? Or there's some really amazing spell caster in some town and you need an item to give to them to make x item. I'm under and over that in my FF games. You can all complain about it, but i doubt these current developers are going to de-evolve and do throwbacks because of you complainers. Especially when it goes in complete opposite flow to the plot/storyline.  Which you and plenty of others fail to even understand it in its most basic form. :)