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pbroy said:

If a woman dresses to look sexy, she wants to be appreciated and looked at, but it doesn't mean they want you to harass them or touch them. Look but not touch, that's what I go by. If they constantly get too much attention, then they will dress down. Woman hold the power to control a man's behavior towards them. It's up to men to show respect by how much a woman is willing to put out there.

I love beauty in woman. Admiration is my limit

Yes; women dress nice for positive attention. When she sees a guy looking at her, she might think 'he thinks I'm cute' when in reality he could be having sexual fantasies about her. 

Maybe generalising a bit too much with this here. I'm female, I am attracted to all kinds of people. People in general either dress to feel comfortable, to please themselves and others in social situations, and/or to make an impression/to get noticed. 

If I'm caught looking at another girl or even a guy in that way, I almost always have some kind of 'sexual thought' of them. That's just me. But again, there are many women like this. There are also many guys who hate the idea of sex with a stranger, someone they aren't close too - this is usually what people think most women are like. I'd say from the experiences I've had personally, and hearing thoughts of other girls, they talk about sex and giggle about the same things guys would in the same situations. They just sometimes go about it differently.

Then there are assholes who make advances judging by the way someone is dressed, lets not get into that though.

Either way, TL;DR: People are people. There's no use putting them into two categories of 'men vs. women'. :)

-- Lexus ♠