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Mummelmann said:

The fact of the matter is; if someone bought a PS3 just because its a PS3 and had no clue which games were or weren't available for it upon launch, then they shouldn't whine about it either, and even though there were/are "no games" (isn't this kinda like the "Wii fad" statement?) the PS3 at least functions most of the time. A console that has 5-6 or even 8-10 times more hardware failures is bound to make customers more dissatisfied than ones that work, I just find that plain logical. I am not basing this on people I know (I know only four people with a 360, 2 has crapped out) but by the extreme media buzz and the statements from Microsoft themselves that failure rates were far from desirable.

+1 to MS for handling the situation well, though. But -1 (at least) for rushing hardware with less than proper cooling solutions. 

For the most part I agree with you. Far more 360 owners are upset with their purchase then PS3 owners. Most of the people bashing the PS3 are people who are unhappy with what it has to offer, and because if that have not purchased it yet.

The fact of the matter is the PS3 does what it says it will do. When I bought it, I knew what I was buying, and it functions as such. The 360 is a fine machine when it works, and as long as you don’t have a failure, you’re happy with it. The problem is that means 2 out of 10 are disappointed (unless RRoD and DVD Drive issues don’t disappoint you).

I only know 5 people with PS3’s (including myself), and none of them are disappointed with the product. I know of many others that want to buy one, they just can’t justify the expense. I know of 10 people with a 360, and 4 of them are disappointed with it (because of hardware issues). I am not one of them, as mine has never broken. I know of no one who does not have a 360, who wants to buy one. Most of my friends already have one.

Anyway twesterm, you fall into the classic error of thinking that just because you have had this experience, it must be the norm. I am sure that, percentage wise, customer satisfaction is higher on the PS3 then the 360.

Now, on to what I bolded…

You did a +1 for fixing the mistake, and a -1 for having it. That means it’s a wash?

That’s like saying if I stole from a bank, I got caught, then returned all the money, that there is no harm, no foul.

Fixing it is a good thing (but probably just to keep them from having a lawsuit), but it does not wipe clean the mistake in the first place. They knew what they were doing when they did it. They gambled, and lost.