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I guess its hard to imagine this working for me because I have never played a game on ios or android where I felt I could sit on my couch and enjoy more. I suppose if the games are there this could work but I just dont see the infrastructure being there for this type of thing. We already have indie devs publishing on Xbone and PS4 what would be similar games if not identicle games without a prebuilt infrastructure.

If the industry was booming I could see it but there simply isnt a surplus of devs to devote enough time and exclusive material for a console like this. they are already makng PSN, Live games.....why devote time and limited resources to a fledgling device with lack of focus.

I mean we really have 3 different and quality consoles to choose from already for home console use. When MSFT jumped in with Xbox, Sega was drowning/dead, Nintendo drowning in home console market and Sony was the only real big kid on the block, it made sense at the time to offer something fresh and new. I would have thought the failure of OUYA would be a lesson about not trying capture a niche within a niche.

Just seems like a bad idea.