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So much naivety from some peeps.

This is the console future. Just as I said it would be early 2013... you can search my history for the thread.

1) Nintendo failed to realize this and did not integrate with a really good wide ranging entertainment system (aka android store built into its eshop similar to amazon's store)

2) MSony both included a large multi-entertainment system. But to appease the core gamer Sony advertises is as an added value while MS focus on full entertainment correctly.

3) I specifically said Android/iOS "gaming" devices would come 2013/2014... and this does not equate to Ouya or tablets with sync'd game controllers.

This is about actual gaming devices, connected to TV that bring the full iOS/Android life to your TV PLUS the traditional console/pc games.

Amazon was first to really push Android tablets as they were smart. They waited for a real Android version intended for tablets (4.x+) and put out a good device that was available for a low-cost. Just beat Google themselves to the punch actually and its worked out well for them.

Amazon will do what Nintendo should have, however Amazon will do it a bit better. They won't have the Nintendo IPs of course, but they will have the full Android backbone plus they'll get the mass-market casual games like EA Sports, COD, etc.

This may not be big with core gaming crowd, but it very well could be massive (aka Wii) with some of that crowd and then capture all of the casual/mass consumer gamer crowd.