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Fifaguy360 said:
Nintendo hasn't found a way to sell that Wii U Tablet controller. There's no game that utilizes in a way you are just drawn to it. Wii remote was great, but Wii U controller, no one gets it. Developers don't know any interesting ways to make people get it.

This is going to be a very turbulent generation for Nintendo. 3DS is their safety cushion to break the Wii U freefall.

As a long time Nintendo fanboy, I'm very very concerned and I'm sure Mr. Iwata is even more concerned.

Its shocking, how Nintendo just threw something out there like "here, go make something" to 3rd parties, and Nintendo themselves can't make anything compelling with it.  Don't get me wrong, off tv play, little eshop titles and VC  is awesome on the pad, and second screen is very convenient, but its NOT a ssystem eller, its more of a peripheral/side product that should be optional.  

Nintendo's sick prideful stubborness on insisting graphics don't matter, is the cause of the U's downfall.  People don't take their product seriously, as its not seen as a worthy upgrade to PS360.  Nintendo should have put all the power they could, kept the $350 launch deluxe, but sold gamepadS (plural...stronger system supports more) separate.