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Also, one last point. I don't understand how the metric for design was given a 5.
You said dungeon was 40% of the game. That would mean you gave the entire combat portion of the game a 0, or, you gave the 60% of the game a 3/10, and the dungeon a 2/10 or some distribution of which.
ie: if the dungeon is half the design, and you gave the design a 5, then you must have given the dungeon an extremely poor score.

EDIT: This is not to say the dungeon is particularly great. It's fair, at best. The combat is entertaining, the bosses are cool, and they fit in with the story and character unlocks. I must say that the dungeon significantly improves the game. While not ideal, the dungeon is a benefit, not a detriment to the game, but the scoring seems to suggest that it is. While you may argue that 0 simply means it didn't earn any points, you can't say that the game would be better without the dungeons....which logically means it must be worth something 

EDIT2: Also, you just arbitrarily decided that dungeons were 40% of the game, and you didn't mention that you can simply run through the dungeons either through items or just running past enemies.

Like, I get that you didn't like the dungeons, but really? Your score suggests that the game would be the same, or possibly even better without them. Really? You would rather just run around and listen to the story and up your character stats? Because you're eliminating the battles, the card system, the persona system, and about 20% of the total quests.

If you give the dungeon portion a 0, you're giving everything that goes with it a 0.

That's like saying that Call of Duty has cool guns, and the mp mechanics are good, and the game types are interesting, but this one map is just so bad, that it makes multiplayer unplayable because you're just too frightened to random that map, and being 50% of the game, the max the design can get is a 5.