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Sharu said:

You know, protests in Ukraine started November 2013. And the anti-protest laws was in place only end of January 2014. So the riots started much earlier then this laws. And the people who want to join EU are doing this to the police in the capital of their own country:

Well, they certainly do started well before those laws, but that really not the reason why I mocked him. The quote I laughed at is just an expresssion of collective unconscious he lives in and archetypes he understands (he simply doesn't know and more importantly unwilling to know anything beyond that). So in his own weird way he could even be right, but when translated into Russian the phrase sounds smth like Scharansky might have said, and it is funny, because it is ridiculous -- we don't even see things in this perspective -- so hail to us, because we have our own perspective on everything in this world (that's luxury! especially now) :D