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Pristine20 said:

No final fantasy game is exactly the same, some are very similar but that's about it. They've never done the same exact thing before so why expect it now? I see you like FFXII, I love that game too. Were you around for it's reception though? It was hated almost as much as FFXIII for "playing itself" via gambits. Dragon Age series did the same exact thing yet no hate. FF "fans", I tell ya...

You really shouldn't be expecting the same from this series, they've always changed it up which is why it's at iteration number 13.

I don't think FF13 was trying to be a game where you control everyone either. Part of the strategy was controlling the right character to win certain battles. Like I said again, it doesn't have to be the same as the old games to be good. Leader death = game over has been done before by beloved games is all I was trying to say. That doesn't make a game bad. It's just something you personally don't like for whatever reason. Same goes for the micromanagement of MP. Items have always been plentiful in FF games allowing you to carry 99 of each. MP-management boils down to pop an ether when you run out same goes for recovery items n general. They are plentiful in these games so why act like part of the strategy is managing them? I thought it just saved time to refill your health after battle. I don't think something is necessarily difficult if it has to rely on surprise to be as such and most running into areas with marlboros were prepared with the right status defenses anyhow.


When I say X to win, I mean all you need to win in most battles in FF games is to keep clicking the "attack" button till the enemy dies. I'd say FFXIII is actually for complicated than the rest by making you use L1 a lot as well. People complain about auto-battle  but the reality is that you don't have to use it. Nothing wrong with giving the option to those who do though. I still don't get this hate for the crystarium. Sphere grid is the same thing. The license board is pretty similar as well. Is it because you prefer to click to learn rather than hold X?

I think you are nostalgic. Trust me even the FF games you do like have their own fair share of haters. What is traditional gameplay? Waiting in a queue like FFX? Was FFXII traditional?

My problem is that while they've never done the exact same thing, this felt too far removed from the standards. I do like FFXII but it felt as far from FF games as FFXIII the difference was that the game was done well, really well. Superb voice acting, a coherant story, free flowing combat (even if not random encounters), character customerisation. I always thought "It's an excellent game just not a Final Fantasy game." It was of course an Ivalice game and the Ivalice department made some superb games.

I wasn't saying the game is bad because of the single character death, many other games have done that and it has been fine because that is what those games intended. Final Fantasy never has, why now? I died more times in FFXIII then I probably ever did in all FF games I've played combined. This wasn't because it was hard but because of how quick it can happen, I remember on a couple of occasions I went into a battle and all the 5 targets on the screen attacked my main character (which for some unknown reason stopped their attacks), suddenly they were in red health, so I swap to healing and before the swap finishs and the character can use their magic, the enemies attack again and I'm dead. Why do you think there was a 'Retry' in this game? No other FF game thought it had to do that because it was balanced. 

Managing MP is strategy, I don't know how you came across 99 ether, but I've never had that many. Ether are rare and expensive compared to potions, this is why Tents or 'sleep' was required, this somewhat omitted in FFX when save point retored all this, reason why in FFX you didn't 'sleep' much. FF8 had a lack of MP too but it had limited magic, I could use this healing magic but that's also attached to my characters health, using it will lower his overall health, a clever way of doing it. In FFXIII nothing like that at all, swap classes, spam until done, swap again. Unless you had a Ribbon, one of the many Malboro status effect would get you, there's not gaurding against them all so easily, especially when you don't expect them.

I've already explained how Sphere Grid is different, okay easy board is very similar, infact more restrictive as you only have one 'class' but it had the advanced grid which means you could take any character in any direction. In FFXIII, if you wanted a character to learn a different class, you'd have to spend big on point, far more than it's worth until end game and you've maxed your starting abilities out.

There is nothing wrong with nostalgia when if comes to beloved franchises. Much to the reason why I still buy Tekken, each increment of Tekken is smoother and mostly better than the last, ignoring the little hick up lately. Tekken 5 is the best Tekken to date in my opinion, but I have fond memories of 2 and 3, even 6 is great but they all stick to the same standards the same gameplay. The reason many of use like FF games is because of these nostalgic standards. If Halo decided to be a TPS from now on, it might lose a lot of fans, it's still a shooter though so that's okay right? People should just accept this change because you are still shooting people, other things are similar or the same but you'd shoot enemies so it's the same.

Hmm, pie.