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sabastian said:

(1) Branching pathes in the story that totally changes the story's playthrough.

I remember playing Resident 4 and there was a part in the forest where you had 2 paths to choose from, with 2 different boss encounters. I think we need to see more of this in next gen games. 

Not only should the story change from that point, but the games choices, locals you may miss because of your choices, boss characters that you may choose to try to reach, or avoid.

We should also have different person of interest either you will miss, or change due to your path choices, and who you kill/ or don't, should also alter future character encounters. 

I think this gameplay will give players a more diverse experience and add to the replay value of the game. 

i don't think the next gen hard-ware will do anything to make this idea come to life.   branching story path could have been done last gen if they really wanted to.   the thing is, developing each of the branches means developing game that most of your audience will not see.   Imagine there are just two branches.  ...that's like developing 2 games except a player will only see half the game (barring replays).   branch each of the branches it's now like 4 games.  if you wanted to make something where each player gets a truely unique experience it would be like developing 100's of games worth of content but not getting 100's of games worth of revenue.

not gonna happen.


I want to see more roboust concepts in multiplayer.   team death match competitive shooters can suck my fucking balls.   i want multiplayer to find more uses for co-op (my prefered form of online play) and more uses in other genres.  demon's souls was at least a unique idea even if you didn't like the game.   more unique ideas like that please.