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pokoko said:
I'm still at a loss to explain why the WWE does not want to capitalize on the most over guy in their entire company. They've got someone the crowd is behind 100% and all they seem to want is to push him down the card.

It's like if Nike had said, "hey, we're not really into this Jordan guy, let's go with the Air Pippin as our flag-ship model."

I would LOVE to know what rationale they're using. What are they trying to accomplish? Because I can tell you right now that Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestle Mania would be electric. The stadium would rock and you know the match would be top notch. Why is the WWE seemingly against benefiting from that?

I'm honestly mystified.

This has the makings of the poorest performing Wrestle Mania in years. I hope they're happy with that. Unless something changes and they throw out a surprise or two, my interest is pretty damn low.

It's all about HHH's ego, and anyone who says otherwise just does'nt want to see it.  He brought back his buddy Batista, and had him win the Rumble.  His buddy Orton is the WWE Champion.  His old pals the New Age Outlaws are now the tag champions.  HHH doesn't care what the fans want, he just want's himself and his buddies in the spotlight.   The guy booked 3 of Brock Lesnar's 6 matches since he came back for himself.      He gets the spotlight on Raw regularly for 15 - 20 minutes, and doesn't even compete.    HHH was a great wrestler back in his day, but right now he is basically a cancer that is killing wrestling.