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Corvo said:
reggin_bolas said:
Nintentacle said:
reggin_bolas said:
Considering how bad of a game B2S is, it's a huge surprise and not a commercial flop by any means.

Bayo 2 is the biggest flop of 2014, already calling it. Should make a good case for it going multiplat though, I'm sure Nintendo wants its ROI.

I don't think any company ever would release something they published on a competitors product. 

Huh? If I understand this correctly, Nintendo picked up the publishing rights from SEGA by funding the entire venture. Abysmal sales = slim hope of putting it on other consoles to recover investment. That's what happened to Rayman Legends.


Actually it was first announced that was going to be exclusive for WII U. After some time, ( before the release) they announced that was going to release on ps3,360 and vita too...You have no clue what you are talking about. Also, you have to analyse based on user base. Wii U user base isn't going to be huge as ps4, if bayo 2 do at least 700k+ on a user base like wii U's, then calling a flop is wrong... Also why would they make it multiplat?. They game is going to move hardware, calling it multi would just hurt wii U sales even more...

1. Bayo 2 will NOT move hardware, not anything near significant or talk-worthy.

2. Bayo 2 will certainly not sell 700k plus. Most people think <300k Life. 

3. If Nintendo wants to recover some of their investment I suggest they release a port to my console of choice. I'm not buying the Wii U anytime soon.