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Sharu said:

t's funny, Russia even didn't needed money for this, we sold some USA debt papers and bought Ukraine debt papers. In any case none of this obligations will be paid any time soon.

Well, it's always nice to get rid from cut paper, but my objections are of different nature.

This is all about the Russian word "khalyava" (free) and Ukrainians, true Ukrainians ("khokhols") with the seal quality on them. There's smth idiotic in Ukrainians' thurst for khalyava, urge to outsmart eveyone of their opponents and being so immensenly dumb that in 10 of 10 chances they outsmart no one but themselves, a typical "syelyuk" (redneck) type of mind. I have a feeling that this begging for money from EU or Russia has been planned by Yanukovich as it was pre-default situation (they'd probably still try out to steal smth from EU as long as they "keep same course onto euro-integration", EU might have even lend smth after we did).

Politicals views on Ukraine over here could be divided in two major groups: integrationalists and accountants -- I'm the latter, even though the differentiation is mostly in expected deadline of integration in one way or another, rather than denying the fact of integration at all. But if the former apply for ephemeral things like "brotherhood" and thinking in terms of 5-10 years, accountants have in mind 10-25-50 year plans. In that regard those 15 bln are pretty much fall under definition of "khalyava", prolonging the agony of this temporary statesized nonsense but fixing none of its problems. The main of Ukraine problems is stated in infamous Kuchma's "Ukraine is not Russia" (true that!), i.e. Ukrainians themselves. Just look into these faces, these are Ukrainian Nazis:

Adolf Aloisych would have been proud :D Some kids just over puberal age with unsolved personal issues. In some way I even pity them as it's due to common problem, derailed times, derailed minds. EU doesn't give a two f**s about Nazis being the most avid supporters of EU-integration the same way they didn't give a f**k about Nazis in Baltic states or the fact that 1/3 of their population doesn't have most basic civil rights (let alone human).

But Nazis are merely icing on the cake, in many ways it's the only logical evolution of Ukraine as independent state, the whole problem in Ukrainians being Ukrainians. When they realize that, it might be the sign that patient is getting better, that 90s are passed over finally (not chronologically, but politically, smth that happened here over a decade ago).

I don't see this in current Ukrainian political scene, I don't see the clarity in minds. Even so called moderates are 100% Ukrainians with the same myths that decade long past their expiry date. Those 15 bln would do nothing to solve those problems, but prolong those myths, by now the only working therapy is shock therapy.

Have you ever been in Mexico? If you will, visit some popular recreational places with a lot of tourists from the States and just look closely locals attitutde towards them. If you have happend to live in USSR until the age of 12-14, you'd probably notice the same attitude towards you (heh, you're "white" and therefore indistinguishable for locals) and it might bother you (it's cultural, not how you'd probably was raised by your parents, but normal over there). But bother not. Well, that'd probably not the kind of attitude inegrationalists would want from "brother"-Ukrainians, but I don't see another solution under current state of affairs. Since we're full blown imperialists now, you have to behave like one.