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Yip..... My 8bit Nes. Sold that and the games for the Genesis. Did it to raise money.... regretted it after. Don't get me wrong the Genesis was awesome but I miss my entire library of games that was only available on the Nes like the Gold cartridge Zelda... Contra and Super C.... Double Dragon 1 2 & 3.... River City Ransom.... Batman by sunsoft (First time I was introduce to the wall jump)...... Mario 2 & 3.... Power Blade...Bionic Commando... Castlevania 1 2 & 3 .... Ninja Gaidens... Punch Out ....TMNT 2(Played like the arcade and 4 players)....Skate or Die 2.. Al Unser Junior Turbo Racing....G.I Joe(The one with the stage system like Bionic Commando).... Super Off Road... Karnov(the music is still in my head lol)....R.C pro-am.... Shadow of the Ninja.... Shatterhand.... Tecmo Wrestling.... Punisher (by LJN).... Nintendo World Soccer.....Yeah I got carried away but to name a few.

I learn that GREAT games will always remain that... even on older tech. I sold my Sega Master System because I got the converter for the Genesis. Zillion 1 is one of the best games I ever played.... Shadow Complex and Metroid can pay homage to that.

I took my time and saved for future systems instead of selling the old ones off I'm glad I learn that lesson earlier than later. Since I have gotten after the Genesis... Snes ... 32X(Did not have many games but played Doom ... to death) Saturn(Over 50 games. Capcom Arcade and Snk fighters ran better) I played Dragon Force .... to death.... Panzer Dragon series were great... also got some Japanese games with a converter.... Dreamcast (I have over 40. Great games for it's short life... I still feel Test Drive Le Mans is one of the best racers of all time Graphics still holds up)... Xbox ....Xbox360(Have lots of games for this system as well arcade games alone over 60.... boxed games over 40). Have a back log of games to play don't have the time like the good ole days.

I never got back a Nes.... was too much hassle and expense sourcing those games I mentioned and it got harder to get the model Nes I wanted.... got the 1st Xbox modded so I can conveniently play the Nes games..... also the Genesis and Snes... without having to dust them off. Still would prefer to have the original stuff kept from the days back then. But I never will sell off a system again.