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Lulz said:
theprof00 said:
Lulz said:
theprof00 said:

I don't know how detractors have managed to control a debate to such a point that it no longer makes sense arguing, but it's happened. At this point, both sides are arguing whether you can see the 1080 vs 720 difference, whether fuzziness lends a more cinematic experience, and if too much AA makes things too hard to see.

It's all nonsense.

The argument was never about whether CoD had better shacks, or whether AC4 had "just the right amount of smoke", or if Lara's skin looked 'so lifelike'.

It was about the undeniable FACT of these differences within multiplats PROVES the massive power difference.

People would say, I don't see much of a difference in the resolutions. It doesn't matter what you takes a massive amount of power to go from 720 to 1080. They would think that is a legitimate argument within the context of power! It's like every single new thread that pops up about this is addressing it from such a skewed perspective. And about multiplats no less, where console optimization is likely minimal at best.

Just because you don't think the visual fidelity looks much better, it doesn't mean the capabilities are equal! It doesn't mean that those little differences will be the only difference you'll ever see. Launch multiplat unoptimized ports showing PROVEN difference immediately should tell you that.

I am so tired of reading this garbage everyday. I just want these framerate threads to end. It's so incessant and mindless.

well i'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, you sure told us! You're so sick of this topic and all the threads about it that you decided to make another thread about it!!!! 


You sure told me, with your xbox sig featuring the only five franchises you'll see for the next 7 years.

I see I struck a nerve. Way to avoid my pointing out of how ridiculous it is to create a thread complaining about a topic that you think there are too many threads about.

Also, how are you enjoying your PS exclusives so far? Having fun with KZ and................................


Thanks for the lulz, kid.

Pointing out how ridiculous? Nah, you did a great job being rude tho.

I wasn't making a thread about how we have too many threads. I made a thread about how an argument about power slowly was spun into an argument about framerate.

It's almost a completely different topic, a meta-topic looking at how a negative was being turned into a null argument. It's like saying one banquet has filet mignon and another has strip steak and then slowly everyone arguing about how the color is the same so there is no difference really.

PS: If you're going to include halo and titanfall in your sig, doesn't really make sense to exclude all the ps franchises and talk about launch titles, does it? But thanks, you've made the quintessential metaphor for how the spin I'm addressing in the OP works. You really nailed it.