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Kane1389 said:
Aielyn said:
theprof00 said:
It was about the undeniable FACT of these differences within multiplats PROVES the massive power difference.

I think YOU have missed the point. If such a "massive" power difference makes so little impact to the player, then is it really of value

Yes, especially if a vastly more powerfull system is 100$ cheaper. Also, 100% difference (30 to 60) in framerate IS easly noticable, and it directly effects the gameplay

THIS.  Whether it's slightly/massively/evenly powered, the VALUE, from my point of view, is the fact that one is $100 CHEAPER. a big kablooey, right there.  THAT...over all the Bilderberg Group conspiracies, over the NSA collaboration, over the 180-to-180 policy changes, over the Kinect 2.0 spy device the biggest "SH*T NO" for the average consumer.  Not the techy that would've bought the Xbox One at launch REGARDLESS, not the naive/committed-to-Microsoft-by-an-means-necessary individuals that preordered an Xbox One during E3...but the average Joe.  The one who reads the newspaper, works 5+ days a week, at a few dollars more than minimum, who plays games as a hobby, and wants the best value for their buck.  Those buyers will be the folks that carry the Xbox One sales AFTER the first 12 months.  Unless Microsoft changes that PRICE, everything else is extra, but that PRICE...has to change to be more competitive.  And to be honest, I've read (like I'm sure alot of you have read, also) the price breakdown of the Xbox One.  As much as they need a major drop in price like I need a threesome with Kate Upton, Marissa Miller, & Tyra Banks, it's really not possible without letting go of the Kinect 2.0.  And if you let go of the Kinect 2.0, that UI will need a MAJOR overhaul, to navigate decently.  That system just really seems like they've put Microsoft between a rock and a hard place.  Forgive me if I don't feel comfortable putting myself between those two objects... :-/